Come and Celebrate New Beginnings with us at Community Church:
April 13th | Palm Sunday
April 20th | Easter Sunday
Join us this Easter as we journey with Jesus and discover the hope of resurrection. At Community Church, we want everyone everywhere to have an everyday relationship with Jesus, and Easter is the perfect time to experience New Beginnings.
This Palm Sunday, we'll journey alongside Jesus as He enters Jerusalem not on a war horse, but on a humble donkey.
Easter Message: Jesus as Our Gardner
"Out of the tomb comes the resurrection and the life. There is a new creation bursting forth in the midst of the old."
Learn more about the events we’re hosting at Life Abundant this Easter.
Our Easter service is on Sunday at 10:00AM. Bring your entire family and a friend as well. Community Kids Church also kicks off.
We’re asking for everyone to park in the north side parking lot off of Londonderry road. Please keep the staffing parking open for elderly and handicap.
Come exactly as you are - don’t dress up or down. We love to see everyone's Easter wear or your everyday wear... the important thing is that you come. :)
We have made sure that our building is accessible for people of all different abilities.
Absolutely! If for any reason you can’t make our in-person service, you can always watch it live or watch it back here on our YouTube channel.
Continue to explore the story of Easter through these other resources that we’ve put together for you.